Upgrading RoyalDice Cups

Upgrading RoyalDice Cups
What if we told you that there is a way to make your favorite RoyalDice cup look even cooler?

Well, there is a way! We’re here to tell you everything you need to know about upgrading your favorite RoyalDice Cups.

Choose your favorite Cup and play as many games as you can, because every time you do, you’ll gain XP for that specific Cup. Once your progress bar is filled to the brim, go to your Collection > select your Cup and click on ‘Upgrade!’. Remember, you’ll need Diamonds for this upgrade, so make sure to save up as many as you can from your chests.

All Cups can be upgraded twice. To switch Cups, go back to your Collections, choose a new one and click on the green ‘Select Cup’ button and play as you usually would! Your accumulated XP per Cup is saved, so you can level up different Cups whenever you want!


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